جميع الأسعار تشمل ضريبة القيمة المضافة.
2600 Years of Philosophy

2600 Years of Philosophy

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439 صفحة
17.99 ر.س

نبذة عن الكتاب

The purpose of this book is to reach out for students, educators and common educated people who seek to wonder about frequently asked questions, such as: Who we are? How do we think? Is there a purpose in life? Where do our moral beliefs come from? What is the nature of reality? What is the ultimate substance or essence of the universe? Does God exist? Do we have free will? What is knowledge? What is the difference between knowledge and belief? How do we acquire knowledge? Can we trust our senses? What is the nature of truth? Can we know anything for certain? What is the basis for moral judgments? Are there objective moral values? What is the nature of good and evil? How should we live our lives? What is the meaning of life? What is the mind? What is consciousness? How does the mind relate to the body? What is the nature of perception, thought, and subjective experience? What is the nature of scientific knowledge? What is the scientific method? Can science provide a complete understanding of reality? How does language shape our perception of the world? What is the nature of religious experience? Can reason and faith be reconciled? What is beauty? What is art? What is the nature of aesthetic experience? Can aesthetic judgments be objective? What is the ideal form of government? What are the principles of justice and equality? What is the nature of rights and freedom?
In this book, we embark on a fascinating journey through the rich tapestry of philosophy, spanning millennia and civilizations. From ancient Asian philosophies to the Renaissance masters, the modern philosophers who shaped our understanding of the world, and the contemporary schools of thought that challenge conventional wisdom. This book is a guide for seekers of truth, or rather, the relative truth, addressing fundamental questions about existence, consciousness, morality, and the nature of reality, providing a comprehensive exploration of the human experience. Join us on this intellectual odyssey as we unravel the mysteries of philosophy and seek to deepen our understanding of the world and ourselves.
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